If you found me, I have complete confidence there are no mistakes. You are here for a reason. Are you struggling with a life with no meaning? Are you experiencing health issues, and the medical world has not provided relief? Have you experienced an entheogenic ceremony and are still trying to make sense of it all? Or are you transitioning and looking for guidance and support to witness the transformation you seek? I am here for you in any way that you need. I am here to provide support, healing, and a kind and compassionate ear, all without judgment.
My name is Dayle, and I am an Medicine Woman, a channel and trans medium, a holistic guide, a spiritual midwife, and a psychedelic integration specialist. It is one of my sacred duties to assist individuals & groups as a spiritual steward while they birth forward a new, empowered life of their own creation. I work in many different realms, from the tangible to the intangible, all the while calling in support from my many guides and years of training, classes, and, honestly, just life lessons. It is with great joy that I witness the healing of souls and watch as they embark on a life filled with hope, security, and a renewed sense of purpose and self.

“Never in my life have I experienced such a physical and visual response to a reiki treatment. My session with Dayle started with a beautiful sense of grounding which connected me immediately to a liminal space where I felt gently carried through blissful phases of physical and emotional healing. By the conclusion of my session I felt as though my entire core had been lifted up and rotated to face and welcome a radiant warm light. My mind saw fields of wildflowers turning to face the morning sun. The end result was a renewed sense of hope and connection to my deepest self."
Leslie DiNicolaSinger, Songwriter
“Dayle has always been a powerful healer for my skin and my soul for the past 2 decades. Her Virtual Reiki and sound bath healing session is new to her practice, it felt as if she has been doing this type of healing her whole life. Her wisdom infused with her nurturing and vibrant energy soothed my mind, heart and soul deeply to shift my vibrational frequency in a profound way.
With her expert intuition, her magic remote touch, the singing bowls and prayers of gratitude to the universe to those in need brought me to a unique place of peace and grounding in a magical way!"
Sara DouglisSocial activist and owner of Soletide Consulting
“ I am obsessed with Kambo. Not gonna lie, the purging totally sucks but afterwards and the weeks that followed I felt the best I have in 10 yrs. No pain in my body and I felt an overwhelming sense of calm and joy. I was nervous at first because I have never experienced any kind of plant medicine. But Dayle held such a beautiful space and I was able to let go because I trusted her and felt so safe. Also, having abused alcohol during quarantine, I knew I needed to stop. Since my Kambo session, I have had zero interest and the weight and bloat has completely left my body.
I worship the FROG!!!
Lori BregmanDula to the "Stars"
When I first began my healing journey, or rather, when my healing journey forced its way into my life via the hell on earth that was my dark night of the soul, I prayed for angels to save me, and to show me signs that I wasn’t losing my mind, that this was a journey I needed to be on, and there were better things for me on the other side.
The angels answered by introducing me to Dayle.
She has been a wonderful and sincere and dynamic source of help for me ever since. When I started spinning dangerously out of control, she helped to ground me. When I was grounded, she helped me to spread my wings, and when I came face to face with my biggest fears and demons, Dayle was there to help me usher them along to a place where they couldn’t harm me any longer.
Dayle has always been a selfless caretaker with me, always concerned about my well-being, how she can help me, and showing me how I could start to really care for and love myself.
I am still on my journey, I still have dark nights, and I still struggle sometimes – but Dayle has made my journey more endurable, lighter, and helped me understand myself and my place in the world.
Highly recommend. Five stars.
Dan the ManCEO
“When getting to the retreat center I was instantly drawn to Dayle’s energy. She was very calm and grounded which made me very comfortable with going into multiple ceremonies. She kept a great awareness of all of us guests and our needs throughout our time at the retreat center. Dayle was also so amazing and nurturing when holding space and facilitating the ceremonies. When going back home she was super quick to respond and assist in any integrating I help I needed. I’m forever grateful to her and her guidance through my healing experience”.
Emilie SlattengenPsychedlic Coach/Healer
OMG, my life has changed.
I cannot tell you how happy I am!!
Even my boyfriend commented.
I am keeping a journal and looking forward to telling you my experiences when I see you. next!!
Dayle, a week ago I did not want to do anything I had so much anxiety and I did not think it would end.
It is an inner peace I have never had and I feel more like myself than I ever did.
Thank You!!!
RandiSocial Media Strategist
I never got to say goodbye properly in the end. I really want to thank you from the middle of my heart for what you helped me achieve on this step in my healing journey. To be able to say goodbye to my friend after an extremely hard 2.5 years which took me to the bottom of the darkest depths of the earth is so special & I really still can't believe it.
And then with the bufo ceremony to finally cut the cord completely & fix a broken heart I have lugged around for 12 years has given me my freedom back.
And now I am ready to let my dream woman in whenever that may be. It just means so much to me.
You were my guardian angel through both experiences & I will never forget you. In fact, i have a feeling we will be meeting again.
Love & happiness to you
Brad TriplettCEO
I had the pleasure of connecting with Dayle on a recent trip to Costa Rica from Australia.
A private ceremony sitting with a plant medicine in the middle of the jungle will be a part of my soul and me forever. She was an integral part of my journey and as a facilitator of immersive transformation retreats for years, I am well versed with intention, set, setting and safety. This work, once you embark on the path of healing and awakening consciousness requires self-accountability, integration and responsibility of the highest order.
During my experience I felt safe, cared for, and nurtured by Dayle. After years of walking this path of delving into the uncomfortable, to grow, to evolve, and serve my purpose of serving others, I'm very mindful of who I sit medicine with.
Her beautiful energy and how she held me in that space allopwed me to surrender to the process and receive my deepest de-armoring yet.
Eternally grateful,
Jay Gray@onyxliteperformance
I was at a all time low when I reached out to Dayle. My life of prescription meds and numbing just had to stop. Dayle took me under her wing, and gently and kindly assisted me in detoxing off the meds so I could come to work with these sacred plant medicines. She was such an Angel and has been so pivotal in my healing. The depth of her knowledge, training and experience is profound. And she does not leave you when the ceremony is over. Her ability to know when to "check in" and spend time to make sure that even when I got home from the retreat I was being cared for. I will always be in her life. She is truly an Angel on earth.
Hernando LozanoCEO